sugar is a common
ingredient in every home here are 5 beauty tips with sugar
1 – – pigmentation
/ dark spots
for this, we need
1 . lemon juice
2 .sugar
take a small bowl and
take a table spoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of lemon juice
gently mix well this in
the bowl until sugar desert in lemon juice
then wash your face and
apply this mixer all over the face and leave it up to 5 minutes
then wash your face with
cool water
by doing this regularly
you can remove pigmentation / dark sports in 7 days
2 —anti aging
for this, we need 1.
2 . aloe Vera
juice, and
3 . milk
take a small bowl and in
this bowl take 1 table spoon of sugar and one table spoon of aloe Vera
and 1 table spoon of
milk mix it well
then wash your face and
apply this pack all over your face and leave it for 10 minutes then
massage it all over the
face and wash your face with cool water
by doing this twice a
week you can remove pigmentation and dark spots
3 —remove sun tan
remove sun tan following
this steps
for this we need
1 . sugar
2 . tomato juice
3 . besan flavour
take a bowl and take 1
table spoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of tomato juice and 1 table spoon of
besan flavor and mix all
ingredient well
after washing your face
apply this for 10 minutes then wash your face with cool water
by doing this you can
get clear skin
4 — dark lips to pink
we can change dark lips
to pink by doing this
for this, we need
1. sugar
2 . olive oil
3 . lemon juice
take a bowl and add 1
table spoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of olive oil and 1 table spoon of
lemon juice mix it well apply this gel on your lips and leave it for 10 minutes then wash it with cool
lemon juice mix it well apply this gel on your lips and leave it for 10 minutes then wash it with cool
water by doing this for
10 days you get smooth and pink lips
5— scrub for all skin
for this, we need
1. rice flavor
2 . sugar
3 . milk
take a bowl and add 1
table spoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of rice flavor and 1 table spoon of
milk mix all
ingredients well and wash your face and apply all over the face and massage
clock wise and anti
clock wise for 5 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
then wash your face with
cool water
do it for ones every 3
days you will get clear glowing skin
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